The Youth SDG Summit, hosted by UNITE 2030 held as a virtual event from September 22- 24, 2021. UNITE 2030 is focused on mobilizing participation to accelerate the SDGs by 2030. The summit-themed “Power on Energizing a Greener and Sustainable World” focused on how organizations and individuals alike can achieve a greener and more sustainable world, united under one message: to plug in and power on!
Ron Mincy, Partner, ACA, was a speaker on the panel that comprised Lisa Kurbiel, Head of the Joint SDG Fund Secretariat; AY Young, Founder of the Battery Tour; Henry Mcloughlin, Strategy, Partnerships, and Advocacy Lead of Capricorn Investment Group; and Gemma Styles, Influencer.
Highlighting the role of capital mobilization to Africa in moving the continent closer to the 2030 goals, Ron emphasized the need to invest in companies and businesses that are directly producing renewable energy, as well as those that offer renewable solutions or use renewable energy to power their services and distributions.
The insightful panel discussions explored their passions, platforms, and the opportunities available for everyone to lend their voices, join forces, take action, and move towards achieving the SDGs by 2030 to reach those most affected by extreme hunger, poverty, and climate crises, and injustices.
One of the discussion highlights was captured in a few inspiring words by Ron Mincy, “We need to make more and more raindrops to make an ocean. We need more people and more people to achieve the SDGs. We can do it. We have the platforms; we have people like AY Young and Gemma Styles mobilizing youth participation. We need to share with everyone the importance of plugging into the SDGs and powering on to achieve our 2030 goal.”